Thursday, November 12, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

This is a representation of our
Soap Box.
( made by Júlia )

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Why Tchukahamita?

This name was chosen, because we watched a TV show where two corean people were singing a corean music. This music was called TCHUKAHAMITA, and we liked it.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

This is a "carrinho de rolimã"

Águas para Vidas Secas

If you want to know more about the project "Águas para Vidas Secas" , access the site . This project helps a lot of people in Piauí.
Can you help? Yes, you can help. How? You come to the our school and participate of the "Festa Junina".

Billy Cart

This is a Billy Cart. A simple Billy Cart.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

This is the simble of our school.
This is the layout of the project " Águas para vidas secas" of our school Rainha da Paz.


This is the tank of our school donation.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Soap Box

Our Soap Box is very cool, because we included other project, we included "Águas para vidas secas".
What is "Águas para vidas secas"?
"Águas para vidas secas" is a big project. This project includes: Our school (Rainha da Paz college) and Piauí. In our "Festa Junina", we get money and send to Piauí, to make tanks. This tanks keep water, because in Piauí doesn't rain enought. Piauí is too hot and doesn't have water enough.
Hello, we are students from Rainha da Paz School, in Sao Paulo, Brazil. At school we have a project called "São Paulo, Memória e Urbanização". We built a Soap Box Car. Here are the informacion and the pictures from 2° GP Rainha da Paz. If you want to know more read it in our blog!